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Your personal data; will continue to be processed with automatic or non-automatic methods, works units, website, call center, phone calls, SMS records, email addresses, social media channels, mobile applications and other similar vehicles of MetaChain, during the period of you benefit from the products and services that can be collected orally, in writing or electronically, and/or updated within the legal periods in order to be used in all kinds of services to be offered to the User regarding crypto money trading transactions carried out on the site, be able to determine the identity of the user correctly and as stated in the legislation and to prevent all kinds of illegal money movements within the framework of the Terms of Use, General Clarification Text and Company Personal Data Protection and Processing Regulation , although it may vary depending on the service provided by MetaChain and the commercial activities of MetaChain by MetaChain TECHNOLOGY JOINT STOCK COMPANY (“MetaChain” or “the Company”).


Although your data processed within the scope of sensitive personal data does not include health and sexual life data; only at the necessary stages within the scope of legal regulations within MetaChain, special data other than these are processed within the scope of legal regulations. By MetaChain as the data controller of personal data or by data processors authorized by taking the necessary security measures; Identity information, address information, e-mail address, postal address, phone number, bank account information and cookies directly or indirectly related to the Company’s products and services, offered to its customers, providing products or services in a reliable and uninterrupted manner and maximizing customer satisfaction, performing various transactions regarding the aforementioned services, executing and developing operations, realizing financial transactions, promotion, marketing, advertising of the aforementioned products and services or different products and services, informing users about opportunities and campaigns, and fulfilling the requirements of contracts signed with users to be collected can be safely stored in physical or digital environment, transferred, processed or prevented from being used with MetaChain employees, officials, domestic and international business partners; to business partners, shareholders legally authorized public institutions and organizations within the scope of its establishment, use, protection and regulation; to domestic independent audit companies, survey companies, hosting companies, programs, electronic storage environments such as cloud, for which information technology support is provided at home and abroad, business partners that MetaChain receives service or works with for the execution of services and/or activities to be provided to me, service providers within the framework of legal obligations and legal restrictions in order to carry out their activities; I accept and declare that I have been informed in relation to the above-mentioned issues by MetaChain and that I have given my explicit consent within the framework of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).


All of my personal data received by MetaChain, provided that the above-mentioned purposes are adhered to, by the Company; I accept and declare that I explicitly consent to the transfer of my personal data to the persons, institutions and/or organizations, business partners, all authorities and channels necessary for the performance of the Terms of Use, courts, prosecution, public legal entities authorized to receive personal data authorities, the Company’s domestic/foreign affiliates; to companies operating as an intermediary/agency, third parties from whom services are received and provided to carry out the activities of the Site, the Company’s program partner institutions, organizations, domestic/foreign banks, funds, collaborating organizations, with whom the Company cooperates, domestic/foreign/international organizations that receive service/support/consultancy or become a project/program/financing partner and organizations that receive independent audit and support services required/permitted by the applicable legislation, due to legal obligations, but within the framework of legal limitations.


In addition, I accept and declare that the personal data I have shared with the Company is correct and up-to-date; If there is a change in this information, I will immediately notify the Company of the changes.


The company may transfer personal data to third parties in accordance with the legislation, as well as to be processed in the country and stored abroad and / or to be processed and stored abroad, in accordance with the conditions stipulated, in accordance with the relevant legislation, including outsourcing, and by taking all security measures specified in the legislation; I accept and declare that I expressly consent to my data being transferred abroad and/or processed and stored abroad.



I explicitly consent to the processing of my personal data within the scope of GDPR, to use and share it limited to the processing purpose explained within the scope of the relevant process, and to keep it for the required period of time, and that I have been provided with the necessary clarification in this regard; I accept and declare that I have read and understood this text, MetaChain  Clarification Text for the Processing of Personal Data presented to me on the Site.


Get to Know MetaChain Better


Smart apps, digital products, hundreds of different services... Now imagine being able to use them all in a single ecosystem, in harmony. MetaChain enables you to take part in the world of the future with the most comprehensive digital ecosystem planned with you in mind. designed for transactions within Facebook services and products affiliated with Meta.

MetaChain is building the world's most comprehensive blockchain ecosystem. Much more than a digital asset platform, MetaChain is a platform that completely changes the understanding of blockchain with its ecosystem and responds to every need of individuals. It has the fastest transaction check time with its Proof of Meta consensus mechanism. MetaChain also has an insurmountable security with the asymmetric encryption structure it uses in the ecosystem. It is an ecosystem with opportunities for everyone, with minimal commissions and investment fees for its users. It does all this with Proof of Meta and MetaEnergy, consuming much less energy than its counterparts.

MetaChain makes the use of blockchain technology accessible to all by providing an extensive ecosystem built on MetaChain which can be applied to various industries. MetaChain is able to fully unlock the potential of blockchain technology by harmoniously integrating it into daily life through its extensive ecosystem. This allows users to utilize blockchain technology in every aspect of their lives. It takes the entire blockchain world to the next step in terms of speed and security. It allows idea owners who want to exist in the digital world with their own ideas but do not have the ability of software languages to reflect their dreams in the blockchain world with simple steps and easy-to-use interfaces.

MetaChain is the blockchain network that forms the basic building block of the MetaChain ecosystem. Thanks to MetaChain, features and innovations that have never been available on any blockchain network before are included in our ecosystem.

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